Friday, June 20, 2014

Green House for Propagation

Finishing up a simple 10x12 gambrel roofed greenhouse based off one built by the prodigious DIY'er  Ana White.  It's a simple building I framed with recycled 2x6 redwood deck boards, an old 2x8 bookshelf, and some some old metal corrugated roofing.  The only new items are the clear corrugated panels from the local Home Depot.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Jari Sickle Mower

The beast.  A 1980 something Jari Sickle Mower that I was surprised to learn was still in production.

I had last ran this in my teens for my grandfather on the property.  I'm sure it had sit unused since then, and would have made it to the recycler had a close friend not sang its glories when its appendage removing sickle was directed toward to grasses taller than me.  A few trips to the parts store and she sprang to life.

I call it the Mangler.

Last ran during the Reagan Administration, this self propelled monstrosity is least likely to start a Summer fire other than in your lungs as you desperately try to keep up with its single speed on the steep grades.

But oh, nothing munches on the woody stalks of recalcitrant star thistle like it.