Sunday, August 11, 2013

Olive Roots!

I had another small disaster with the propagation table a few days ago, some small creature had plowed through several rows.  Luckily whatever it was, it confined its digging to the mostly dead outer perimeter.  It did expose this cutting however, and I was thrilled to see these fine roots.

How cool is that?

I'll pot in a week or two and start the Autumn propagation with a few improvements to the table.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Check those irrigation lines!

I like to walks the fields while the irrigation is on.  It's good to check for leaks and proper functioning.  It's one of the reasons I've been so hesitant to add a timer system, I know I'll get complacent and let it go for too long.  For example, last week I had a whole block not come on.  Had I not walked the field I would not have known this.  Luckily I fixed it the Fonzie way, I banged the solenoid and flushed the system of some two year old pipe glue, and all was well.